I would like to introduce you to Brooklyn, Memphis and London.
These three little boys amaze me.
This time yesterday all three of them had heads full of hair. While we were driving home from a birthday party I told them about one of my bible study friends back in Houston and how she is battling cancer and how her and her husband had shaved their heads together. Sarah also had a friend who shaved his head in honor of Sarah. They asked questions about cancer and I explained to them about chemo and how it makes your hair fall out. I showed them the picture of my beautiful friend, a woman whom they have not met, and while they were looking at the photo my husband suggested they too shave their heads in honor of Sarah. The car became silent and my husband and I just sat back and watched their little brains working, to shave or not to shave...
What will my friends think?
Will I look ugly?
Then...all of a sudden, one by one, they began to volunteer.
It was a very magical moment. There was no pressure or talking them into it. They silently came to this decision all on their own, as individuals.
After all three heads were shaved we went outside and I took this photo of them together. Three little boys who I am not sure fully understood the situation but knew that what they were doing was for Sarah, mama's friend, and to them that was all that mattered.
During prayers at dinner, London prayed for Sarah's health and told God his love for her...once again a woman he has never met. It brought tears to my eyes. We as humans are born with so much love in our hearts and that kind of pure love is all around us.
“The human spirit is stronger than anything that can happen to it.” – C.C. Oxford
If you are battling cancer, this post is for you. These three little boys shaved their heads in honor of you.
May you find strength in London's eyes and joy in Memphis's smile.
You are precious.
You are love.
Blessings to you all,
Emily Mariani