Lifestyle Newborn Session with the Cook Family

April 28, 2017  •  Leave a Comment

Often times we think of going to a studio to have our newborn portraits done but I am here to show you through this gallery  that their is so much beauty and magic to be found in taking your newborn or family photos in your home.  We took these photos in the master bedroom and upstairs bedrooms and that is all which means minimal cleaning and preparing.  When older sister did not want to participate anymore, no problem, she just went to play with her toys or watch tv or eat a snack.  When mama wanted to touch up her makeup, all her things were right there and when baby needed changing, no biggie... he went right to his changing table where his diapers were.  These "in home" lifestyle photo sessions are convenient for both the adults and the children plus they hold more meaning.  Your home is where your world is.  It is where you are comfortable.  It is the place you return each and every day to find peace and comfort and to relax with the ones you love.  When you choose to hire a photographer to capture your most precious times in your life like newborn photographs, why not do it in the place that brings you the most joy, your home.

I invite you to take a look though this gallery.  

I hope through these photographs you can feel the raw emotion in which being at home with the ones you love brings out through the lens, love.




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